Paz de la Calzada, Green Kolam #17, 2020
Paz de la Calzada, Green Kolam #17, 2020
Scan the QR code to register for the online auction.
Scan the QR code to register for the online auction.

1275 Minnesota St / SFArtsED

A Very Special Exhibition to Benefit the San Francisco Arts Education Project

The objects on display are chosen by their owners: 38 prominent local artists, many of whom have worked as Artist Mentors with SFArtsED and are or have been part of this artistic community. Shown alongside original artworks is a selection of personal items, each extracted from an artist’s home or studio, all unique glimpses into their creative lives and ways of perceiving the world. 

While some things on view draw a direct relationship to a specific artwork, others are treasures in which the artist finds comfort, inspiration and unique value. From the mundane and ordinary to the sentimental and idiosyncratic, the objects that artists collect on their artistic journeys hold memories and tell stories. What is it about the life of an object that calls one to cherish and keep it?

Opening Reception:
Saturday, December 10, 3-6pm
Raise a glass!

Celebration Party:
Wednesday, December 14, 6-9pm
Food, drink, and performances by current and former members of SFArtsED’s musical theater troupe, the Players.

Silent Auction:
Bidding opens Saturday, Dec. 10, 11am
Bidding closes Saturday, Dec. 17, 4pm
Preview Auction Items
Register to Bid


*Please note, the gallery is closed for Winter Break December 19, 2022 - January 3, 2023.