Lonnie Holley, Cyrus Moussavi, I Snuck Off the Slave Ship (still), 2019.
Lonnie Holley, Cyrus Moussavi, I Snuck Off the Slave Ship (still), 2019.

1150 25th St / McEvoy Foundation for the Arts

New Labor Movements

In accordance with guidelines from the City and County of San Francisco, McEvoy Foundation for the Arts will temporarily close until the County moves into the red tier. Learn more at mcevoyarts.org/visit.

McEvoy Foundation for the Arts presents 'New Labor Movements,' a daily program of short films exploring contemporary visions of America and concepts of transnational Blackness. Curator Leila Weefur organizes the program to consider the question of “What is America today?” as inspired by ‘Lessons of the Hour,’ British artist Isaac Julien’s immersive film and photographic exhibition on the life and legacy of Frederick Douglass. The program sparks a dialogue amongst contemporary filmmakers that investigates cinematic narrative and Black political history.

Admission is free.

Full Image Credit: Lonnie Holley, Cyrus Moussavi, I Snuck Off the Slave Ship (still), 2019. Digital Video. Color, sound. 20 min. Courtesy of the artists.